Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I would like to use the term: Collaborative neocollegialism to describe active intercommunication
among the post.inteligencia using social networking tools?
The post.intelligentsia is us... the transformation of intellectualism
from the competitive marketable exclusivity of academia into the open
source age of collaborative action. How we interact through new
communications tools is neocollegial.


  1. Hi Jesse --
    Hey, you've got some interesting terminology there -- "post.intelligensia and collaborative neocollegialism."

    What did you think about John Seely Brown's article? Have you ever read his book The Social Life of Information? He has some interesting thoughts on the future of higher education. I'd be interested to hear what you think.

  2. Jesse,
    What am I having such a hard time leaving a comment on your blog?

  3. Jesse,

    Ok, I think I figured it out. It's interesting that not all blogs are readily accessible. For instance there are some you can just leave a comment and leave an email. Your's, after a couple of weeks of trying asks for a specific username which I just noticed. Anyhow what I tried to comment on a few weeks ago was on your profile of the Spanish. I know we have had short conversations regardng your heritage but have you ever thought of doing a timeline with your linage? I think a blog like this would a good place for that. Besides, I would be interested in seeing it . Adios
