Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I would like to use the term: Collaborative neocollegialism to describe active intercommunication
among the post.inteligencia using social networking tools?
The post.intelligentsia is us... the transformation of intellectualism
from the competitive marketable exclusivity of academia into the open
source age of collaborative action. How we interact through new
communications tools is neocollegial.

Friday, February 6, 2009

It has been by the guiding hand of outstanding teachers that I have reached this moment. Accepting only my best, they illuminated my own unseen talents and helped to refine my intellectual vision. Here at the threshold of professional academia, I reflect upon a pantheon of post.intelligentsia essential to my fruition as a scholar. Humbly I walk in their shadows; with gratitude I stand on their shoulders.
Seizing this opportunity to carry forward the work of my mentors as a leader and life-long learner, I envision myself teaching, publishing my own works, conducting research, consulting, collaborating, and contributing to inspired projects. I am honored to be considered for the Minority Doctoral Loan for In-Service Program.
My life has been blessed with unique and diverse experiences. Across the globe and into the depths of my self, this journey has culminated at a transformational moment in history. An evolving understanding of technologies effect on organization is beginning to take shape. We are only beginning to recognize the potential in new communications and social networking tools, distance education, and instructional technology. Through my doctoral research I will be poised to contribute to this intensifying movement. This also is a unique opportunity to return to Highlands as a professor, to enhance this learning community that has so remarkably supported my development.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A parragraph

The Spanish were driven out of New Mexico after the Pueblo revolts of the 1690’s. The domesticated horses they left behind challenged fundamental understandings of time and space. Pueblo culture grapples with that changed comprehension. Similarly the printing press deconsecrated the written word. No longer was the dissemination information the exclusive right of the Church or State. These dramatic changes were not the function of new technology alone, but the transformation of human interaction facilitated by those new tools. We are living in a time of great change. An underlying force facilitating this historic movement, are tools that manifest new ways for people to communicate and organize.

Lots to Do!

Sitting in my office this morning - reflecting on the mass of work to do. Fellowship apps are getting dropped off Friday in LV, NM. Letters of Rec. - the forms are in, now nothing to do, but wait. Called an old friend and colleague a few minutes ago. Left a message - I'm excited to talk with him about the progression of ideas that emanated from our original conversations. We've gone in different directions, but both of us have remained true to our original ideals - media literacy is imparative for success in the growing global village.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

an evolving understanding

As I plug along - attempting to navigate this process of PhD. apps I am coming to understand that this is going to be a function of persistence rather than intelligence. The MAT score needed is a 50 that is right around the 70th percentile. Not to lofty - but the number that stuck out to me in my research is 1 in 2. 1:2 PhD candidates who are All But Thesis never finish. Scary!
So my problems really start once I'm in a program. Well - wish me luck because getting in may be the easiest part!

My first post

So.... this is my first post!
Exciting - no one is reading this, but the point is to present interesting information, let folks know about whats going on in my life, in my mind, my dreams.... a bit contrived - but I hope to have a forum to share.

Disseminate - or be forgotten